Neogen A-Clear Pink Soothing Eraser Review
by Kayla (peachkao)
Did it erase or did it not erase, that is the real question! I was skeptical. Extremely skeptical. How can something that resembles chalk, once dried, actually help reduce my acne? Well... it did. And to say I was shocked would be an understatement.
“An intensive soothing & skin purifying treatment with sensitive skin-friendly formula... helps soothe and clear away blemishes, resulting in a clearer complexion” - Neogen
There are 3 main ingredients that make this product super effective: Calamine powder (soothe and relieve blemishes, control excess sebum), Salicylic acid (exfoliate akin, unclog pores), and Azulene (reduce redness, strengthen moisture barrier).
To really put this to the test, I stopped using Differin on my acne and solely relied on this. To apply this product, you just need 1 cotton swab to dip inside. Do not shake or mix the powder at the bottom with the liquid. Just put the cotton swab all the way to the bottom and pull it right back out. I initially only applied this to a few acne spots but then started putting it everywhere 😂 I looked quite funny 😆
In the 3rd photo I provided a side by side of my skin from March 22nd and April 11th (ignore the color of my face//lighting was off). You can clearly see the difference in my acne! This has also been handling my current pre-period acne really well, which are usually welt like zits that are super deep 😭 I currently have only 1 big one and some small ones around my mouth. This may still be a lot for others but for me this is “clear” skin. If you’ve been following me for a while, you know my struggle with acne and how emotionally draining it is for me. But this little jar of magic has seriously helped and I am so happy I tried it 😭 I feel like I haven’t had something as impactful since the Simplistic Supreme Salve. My skin looks so much better and this feeling is one I want to continue feeling, so yea I’ll be purchasing this with my own $ next time.
Would I recommend? DUH! 100 times yes!
All opinions are my own.